Top 10 Things You Can’t Do After Wisdom Teeth Removal

April 15, 2024

Wisdom teeth removal is quite common and usually less complicated. However, the recovery period still requires care to ensure proper healing and treatment success. While you might think of resuming your usual activities right away, certain things can actually disrupt your healing process. We have dedicated this blog to specifically discussing the dos and don’ts post-wisdom teeth removal, emphasizing the things you can’t or shouldn’t do.

How Long Does Recovery After Wisdom Teeth Removal Last?

You can expect the recovery from wisdom teeth removal to take about 2 weeks. The first day is the toughest, with swelling and pain. However, the situation gets better from there, with swelling and pain going down each day.

The Dos After Wisdom Teeth Removal

  • Relax for a few days, but do move around a bit during the day. At night, elevate your head with extra pillows to sleep.
  • Apply ice packs for the first 2 days to control pain and swelling.
  • Make sure to bite on gauze pads as directed by your dentist.
  • Rinse with a warm salt and water solution once a day.
  • Chew on the other side to promote healing.
  • Gently open and close your mouth to prevent stiffness.
  • Drink a good amount of fluids, especially water, but avoid using straws.
  • Do not skip pain medication as prescribed.
  • Practice gentle brushing from the second day onwards, avoiding the extraction site.

The Don’ts After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

  1. Avoid Using Straws
    Straw is a no-go after wisdom teeth removal since its suction action can dislodge the blood clot, leading to a painful condition known as a dry socket. This condition is severely painful and causes bad breath and a bad taste in the mouth.
  2. Do Not Use Mouthwash
    Mouthwashes can irritate the surgical site and disrupt the healing process. So, instead of rigorously swishing, rinse your mouth gently with a warm salt water solution to keep the surgical site clean.
  3. Do Not Drink Alcohol or Smoke
    Alcohol and smoking increase the risk of complications; therefore, it is crucial to avoid both for at least 72 hours after surgery. Alcohol increases bleeding, while smoking can cause dry sockets.
  4. Do Not Chew on the Gauze
    Chewing or applying pressure to the gauze that is supposed to stop bleeding can disrupt the blood clot. That is why dental care experts suggest biting gently. You can leave the gauze in place for 30 minutes before removing it. However, in case your bleeding continues, replace it with a new one and bite gently for another 30 minutes to an hour.
  5. Do Not Eat Crunchy or Hard to Chew Food
    The blood clot or scab that forms initially over your tooth extraction site is quite fragile and prone to breaking away even with the slightest mishap. That is why sticking to a soft diet, such as soup, mashed potatoes, and yogurt, is mandatory for the first few days. Gradually re-introduce solid food into your diet as the surgical site heals.
  6. Avoid Hot Liquids
    For the first 24 hours after wisdom teeth surgery, avoid all forms of hot liquids, like tea, coffee, and soup, to prevent irritating the site of extraction.
  7. Do Not Use Tobacco
    Avoid using tobacco as it hinders the healing process and increases the risk of infection. Smoking, as explained earlier, can cause dry sockets, which can cause severe pain and delay healing.
  8. Do Not Use Over-the-Counter Mouthwash Brands Containing Alcohol
    Alcohol-infused mouthwashes disrupt the blood clot, making it unsuitable for use.
  9. Do Not Spit
    Avoid spitting for the first 24 hours after surgery. This is because spitting can dislodge the blood clot and cause bleeding. Instead, let saliva collect in your mouth and gently swallow it.
  10. Do Not Poke the Extraction Site
    We know it’s tempting and sometimes unintentional, but avoid touching or unnecessarily poking the extraction site with your tongue or fingers. Doing so can open a can of worms (result in heavy bleeding)

Closing Note

List out the things you can’t do after wisdom teeth removal for a smooth and speedy recovery. If you want to learn about our services or are keen to learn about specific post-operative instructions for the best outcome, contact Dr. Husein Alibhai, an active member of the American Dental Association at Saifee Family Dentistry. For details, dial (281) 350-5600 or visit us at our dental office.
