Are Cavities Contagious?
Cavities are one of the most common problems with teeth. Everyone, from children to adults, can get cavities, and since cavities are caused by bacteria, you might wonder if they can spread from one person to another. The answer isn’t as simple as you might think. What is a Cavity? A cavity is a hole […]
What to Eat After Tooth Extraction?
Having a tooth extracted can be really a tough procedure to go through, and it can be even harder to find foods that are easy to eat. But it’s important to choose your food wisely because what you eat can affect how quickly you heal. Here’s a quick guide to help you choose foods that […]
Teeth Bonding vs Veneers: Which is the Better Investment for Your Smile?
Cosmetic dentistry can fix many smile problems, such as stains, crooked teeth, or chips. Two popular options to improve your smile are teeth bonding and veneers. In this blog, we’ll explain the differences between teeth bonding vs veneers so you can decide which one is best for you. What is Dental Bonding? Dental bonding is […]
Tooth Extraction Healing Stages: What to Expect?
If you’ve just had a tooth extracted, you’re probably wondering how long it will take to heal. In this blog, we’ll explain the different tooth extraction healing stages and give you post-extraction care tips for a speedy recovery. What is the Typical Tooth Extraction Healing Timeline? Your mouth will go through different stages as it […]
What Should I Do if My Dental Filling Fell Out?
Dental fillings are a popular dental solution used to fix problems like cavities, tooth decay, or even small cracks. Although fillings are common, sometimes they can fall out while you eat or brush your teeth. This isn’t unusual, but it’s important to see a dentist as soon as possible to get a new filling. What […]
How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last?
Porcelain veneers might seem like a major investment, but they can last much longer than other cosmetic dentistry options, making them a good value in the long run. Read this blog to learn about the popularity of porcelain veneers and how long they can last. What are Porcelain Veneers? Porcelain veneers are thin, shell-like pieces […]
Can You Sleep with Dentures?
If you’re among the millions who wear dentures, you likely have questions about eating and daily activities. But what about bedtime? Can you sleep with dentures in? While it is possible to sleep with dentures, taking them out before bedtime offers several advantages. Keep reading to better understand the benefits of giving your dentures a […]
Factors To Consider When Deciding Veneers Vs Crowns
Veneers and crowns are among the most popular cosmetic dental procedures, recognized for their ability to improve smiles. While both are well-known for their benefits on teeth, they differ in terms of coverage, longevity, and influence on dental health. In this blog, we will explain the basic differences between veneers and crowns so that you […]
How Long Do Fillings Take?
Dental fillings are important in preventing tooth decay and restoring a tooth’s shape and function. While cavities are painful and can cause discomfort, a filling relieves the pain and strengthens your tooth. The process is simple, but if you’re wondering, “How long do fillings take?” then keep reading. Why are Dental Fillings Necessary? Dental enamel […]
9 Tooth Infection-Friendly Food Items
Tooth infection occurs when the region surrounding your teeth becomes infected with germs. The early stage, known as gingivitis, can be reversed with proper mouth hygiene. The next stage, periodontitis, is more difficult to cure. However, you can fight these infections by consuming the appropriate foods. In this blog, we’ll list the 9 food items […]